Exotic Rice Method Recipe – Hack For Weight Loss. Puravive Reviews And Complaints.

Key Takeaways

The exotic rice method recipe for weight loss which is also known as Puravive has gained a lot of popularity lately on various social media platforms. Considered as a method created from all the natural ingredients this exotic rice method has helped many people in their weight loss goals.

The journey to lose weight is filled with endless blocks and hurdles. The discipline, willpower, and consistency required to shed a few pounds takes work. Sometimes, you put in all the work, and discipline consistently for a long period of time but still end up seeing zero results. If this is the case, the problem is not the external factors, it could be internal. 

A study was done with 52,000 women and men by Nature Medicine which showcased the importance of brown adipose tissue levels. Low brown adipose tissue levels were a contributor to weight gain. Also, people with low-fat percentages have relatively high levels of brown adipose tissues. Thus, the creators of Puravive understood this issue and came up with a magical potion for people looking to lose weight. But, what is Puravive? How does it work? Is it a legitimate product or yet another marketing gimmick? We’ll shed light on everything related to this weight loss supplement. 

What Is The Exotic Rice Method Recipe? Puravive Hack For Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, there are very few promising supplements available. Either the product is not genuine, or the results are too slow. Ample of people have been scammed by a number of weight loss supplement sellers. However, Puravive is different in every possible way. It adjusts the brown adipose tissue and balances it for effective weight loss. The creators used a blend of natural, tropical, plant-based nutrients which are backed by science and research. 

The weight loss formulation is prepared by a team of experts in the USA. The supplement is in easy-to-consume capsule form. In the hectic lifestyle, it is not possible to do something special to burn fat. However, you can swallow a capsule of Puravive in the morning and it’ll do the rest for you. Even if you’re a fitness freak who puts in all the hard work, the Puravive capsules can give you a little edge to shed those extra pounds. Puravive is filled with the nutritional richness of eight clinically proven ingredients. All the ingredients can affect the level of BAT which is the recently discovered factor affecting weight gain.

The creators of Puravive made sure that the proportion of ingredients is such that the weight loss process speeds up. The capsules are manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and it is made following guidelines.  But what are the nuances of the Puravive weight loss process that make it superior to other supplements? Let us discuss. 

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Puravive Review- The Reason Behind Its Efficacy

With numerous weight loss supplements in the market, it gets overwhelming to find the perfect one for you. Most of those supplements are based on outdated research and are not very effective. 

Puravive stands apart from all such supplements as it is based on the latest scientific discovery. The creators of Puravive found a way to control weight with clinically tested ingredients. Puravive focuses on balancing the brown adipose tissue in our bodies which regulates weight gain. Before moving ahead let us learn more about Brown Adipose Tissue.

Brown Adipose Tissue

With the rate of obesity shooting up gradually, it is one of the biggest health concerns across the globe.1Trusted Source✅ | PubMed | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source Prominent research made it clear that levels of Brown Adipose Tissue can affect the amount of fat our body accumulates. Brown Adipose Tissue or BAT is a type of fat. 

Our body is known to have four categories of fats: white fat, brown fat, subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat. The first one is known to store energy and regulate hormones. Subcutaneous fat is that layer of access fat you see near the love handles or arms. Visceral fat can affect the functioning of organs if it is too much like cardiovascular issues. 

Brown fat or the Brown Adipose Tissue has its connection with weight loss/gain. It might sound weird but more brown fat results in more calories burned. Brown fat maintains the temperature of your body.2Trusted Source✅ | NIH | Trusted Data From The National Institute Of Health (Government Authority) Go To Source Research has made it clear that brown fat is more active in slim people.  

But how can someone manage the amount of brown fat in their body? The best possible way is to order a bottle of Puravive as it contains all the necessary ingredients that can improve brown fat levels. After regular consumption of Puravive capsules, your stubborn belly fat will vanish. On top of that it can improve metabolism and the quality of your sleep. Here is the full list of Puravive ingredients:

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Puravive Ingredients And How They Boost Fat Loss

The secret of Puravive lies in the ingredient label list. Every ingredient is added in the required quantity. The quality of ingredients used is top-notch. The creators made a perfect blend of natural, clinically proven ingredients to boost the weight loss process.  


The first ingredient is a plant that can boost the BAT levels in our body. It is found in vegetables like broccoli, carrots, onions, etc. Luteolin contains anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerogenic properties, apart from the weight loss benefits. It is also responsible for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Thus, Luteolin is a completely natural ingredient that is extracted from plants or vegetables. 


Kudzu or Kudzu root is another natural ingredient responsible to improve BAT levels and boost the weight loss process. Kudzu has been used in traditional medicines for a very long time. It is also found in some of the ancient medicinal scriptures. It is usually used and found in Asian countries like Japan, China, and Korea. It is often considered an invasive weed that people tend to uproot. 

Kudzu possesses several health benefits as it can reverse liver damage up to a certain extent. It is also helpful for women suffering from menopause symptoms. Kudzu contains endless benefits for heart health. 

Holy Basil

The Indian medicinal herb, Holy Basil is known for its potential health benefits. It could help you fight off physical, mental, and spiritual issues. Every part of this plant has its own benefit. The seeds and leaves are used for malaria, and the whole plant to treat nausea or vomiting. 

The Basil plant is also rich in nutritional value.3Trusted Source✅ | PubMed | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source The studies provide for the fact that basil is rich in vitamin A, calcium, zinc, and iron. It can alleviate stress or anxiety as it contains relaxing properties. Holy basil is a godsend for your immunity and metabolism. The primary reason for basil’s inclusion was due to its BAT-regulating properties. 

White Korean Ginseng

It is clear from the name that this natural ingredient is from the traditional medicinal texts of Korea. Similar to holy basil, White Korean Ginseng is also known to create harmony between the physical and spiritual realms. It is known to restore homeostasis and promote vitality, as it is a naturally active compound, unlike any other ginseng. 

Ginseng is a natural compound that can initiate the ketosis process, one of the finest known for weight loss. It is also capable of improving the brown adipose fat levels making it a powerhouse for fat loss. The purest form of ginseng is used in Puravive. 

Amur Cork Bark

Amur cork bark is believed to be an anti-obesity natural herb. This rare herb is found only around the Amur River basin in East Asia. It possesses endless health benefits which is why it has been a part of traditional medicines for such a long time. Recently, the weight loss benefits of Amur Cork were discovered and since then it has been used in almost every weight loss supplement.

However, Puraviv uses the purest form of Amur Cork Bark in its product. The quantity and quantity of this ingredient is what makes it stand out. 


The bees are known to produce honey which is a great source of nutrition. However, they also produce two more things: royal jelly and propolis. Different bees from different regions have their own ways of creating propolis. Thus the chemical composition of propolis keeps changing. The composition of propolis contains resin, wax, essential oils, pollen, and organic compounds. 

There are researches that conclude propolis is a great source to cut fat or reverse obesity effects.4Trusted Source✅ | PubMed | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source The luteolin in propolis is what improves the BAT levels in the body. Thus, it can have an impactful effect on weight loss. 


The anti-inflammation agent, Quercetin is also a great source to boost the weight loss process. It is a naturally occurring pigment widely found in fruits, vegetables, and grains.  It is found to alleviate allergy symptoms and is also helpful in certain diseases. It is also a compound called flavonoid. 

It has ample health benefits like weight loss aid, and immunity booster, and maintains overall good health. 


The phenolic compound is found in leaves and is responsible for the bitter taste of olives. Several researches have been done on this compound due to its potential health benefits. The reason behind its sudden demand is its antioxidant properties. Due to these properties, it can: control blood pressure & blood sugar levels, oxidative damage is minimized, increase healthy cholesterol, and kill cancer cells. 

Oleuropein is also one of the key elements in ancient Mediterranean diets. Therefore, it has all the abilities to enable weight loss and help you shed a few extra pounds. 

All the ingredients that are present on the label are pure and effective in weight loss. Thus, if you’re struggling with excess fat.

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Benefits Of Using Puravive Regularly

Now as we’re aware of the powerful and natural constituents of Puravive, here are some of the notable benefits that you’ll experience after regular consumption. The first and most prominent benefit is healthy weight loss. Although losing weight is in itself a tough task, losing weight in a healthy & natural way is even tougher. Puravive makes it possible with a natural blend. You can lose weight faster than ever, with zero side effects. 

You no longer have to be worried about the stubborn fat in the areas like tummy, arms, love handles, etc. because Puravive makes sure that the fat loss is done in the most efficient way possible. 

Since few of the ingredients are anti-inflammatory, you no longer have to face inflammation. Also, the metabolism is one of the biggest problems for overweight people Managing metabolic rate is crucial to live a healthy life. Puravive ensures that metabolism is balanced. 

With regular consumption of Puravive fat-loss capsules, you’ll experience an uplift in the energy bar as your stamina goes up. The nutritional richness will help you stay healthy and happy throughout the day. 

Pricing And Refund Policy

If you’re willing to kickstart the weight loss journey now then visit the official website to avail heavy discounts on bulk orders. There are also free gifts for the customers that will make the weight loss journey possible. You have to consume one capsule daily, preferably in the morning. The pricing is as follows:

  • One bottle of 30 capsules will last for one month at a price of $59/bottle
  • The three-month starter pack will cost $147 ($49/bottle) plus free bonuses
  • Six-month super saver pack will cost $234 ($39/bottle) with free bonuses + no shipping charges
Puravive Price

You can get two exciting bonus gifts on bulk orders:

#1: 1-Day Kickstart Detox- A guide to help you detox the toxins from the body. 

#2: Renew You- A book to relieve your mind from any stress or anxiety.

100% 180-day Money Back Challenge

If the results are appealing and you’re not satisfied, file for a return and you’ll get a guaranteed 100% money back within 180 days of order. There’ll be no questions asked and the return policy is very easy. 

However, the creators are confident that you’ll not require the return option as the results are always promising. Instead, you might want to order it again after seeing the results. 

(Huge Savings) Click Here To Get Your Exotic Rice Method- Puravive For The Best Price Today


Puravive is one of its kind product and you can use it without thinking twice. There almost no side effects until now as the constituents are all natural. It is suggested to order from the official website to get the authentic product and avail heavy discounts. 

You can kickstart the weight loss process with the help of Puravive NOW!

Disclaimer: This article is only for informational purposes and must not be considered as a medical advice. Please read the full disclaimer at the bottom.

  • 1
    Trusted Source✅ | PubMed | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source
  • 2
    Trusted Source✅ | NIH | Trusted Data From The National Institute Of Health (Government Authority) Go To Source
  • 3
    Trusted Source✅ | PubMed | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source
  • 4
    Trusted Source✅ | PubMed | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source

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