Ask a Dermatologist: Is It OK to Take Hair Supplements Everyday?

  • If you’re seeking the best supplement to grow hair, you probably have lots of questions. In this case, it’s best to direct your queries to a dermatologist, who can provide science-based answers. 

For example, many people wonder whether they can take hair supplements on a daily basis. While it can depend on the product and the ingredients included, it is possible to take some hair loss solutions every day without concerns about your health. This highlights the importance of choosing a quality product with essential vitamins and nutrients. 

Multivitamin Ingredients for Daily Use

Balding and thinning hair can negatively impact a person’s self-esteem. Keep in mind that hair loss can result from a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Medical conditions 
  • Medical treatments (such as chemotherapy)
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Extreme stress
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Infections

Fortunately, the right combination of hair growth supplements can address these and other issues that can lead to hair loss and baldness. A dependable hair growth serum will contain certain nutrients to boost the health and vitality of hair.

Maintain Your Regimen Through your Shedding Cycle

How you take hair growth supplements can have a huge impact on the success of the treatment. For daily supplements, you must stick to your treatment regimen to ensure the desired results. 

Taking supplements on a daily basis will support hair health throughout the four phases of hair growth, which include:

  • Growing Phase – This stage involves active hair growth. While timelines can vary, the anagen phase can last up to seven years in some cases. That means hair in the anagen stage will continue growing until it’s cut or until the next stage occurs. 
  • Transition Phase – The catagen stage comes next, which is when the rate of hair growth begins to decrease. The catagen stage usually lasts about ten days or so. 
  • Resting Phase – Hence the name, hair growth remains at rest during the telogen stage of the cycle. While hair growth rests for this three-month period, new hair can also begin forming in follicles when during the resting phase. 
  • Shedding Phase – During the exogen phase, hair will not grow. Hair will also shed during this phase, which is natural. In general, the exogen phase can last up to five months. 

Hair loss happens when shedding occurs, but new hair growth does not. That’s why people with concerns about hair loss must continue supplement regimens while in the shedding phase.  

Dispelling Myths About Hair Loss

Along with pursuing effective treatments, you should also be aware of common hair loss myths to separate fact from fiction:

  • While genetics contribute to hair loss, it does not solely come from your mother’s side of the family
  • Consistently wearing hats does not contribute to baldness in any way
  • Washing and conditioning your hair will not cause hair loss due to friction

When you’re able to separate fact from fiction regarding hair health, you have a much better chance of staving off baldness. 

Learn More About Dermatologist Recommended Supplements

Along with providing information on hair growth supplements, a dermatologist can also help you make an informed skincare decision. For instance, a skincare specialist can help you decide between niacinamide vs azelaic acid if you’re seeking a solution to brighten and revitalize your skin

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